Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pothole Ponderments

This morning I find myself pondering…What’s worse? Minor potholes in the road or the uneven, car-quaking, tar/cement blend that gets poured over them? Can’t these city workers at least attempt to flatten the “improvement” and merge it with the rest of the road? So instead of my front wheels dipping into a road crevice, they chaotically lift one side of my car and then violently plummet it back to earth as if I’m suddenly part of the Universal Studios King Kong ride. My current means of transportation, The Taurus, is eligible for discounted meals at Denny’s, meaning it’s old (and could show up in its pajamas at 2pm to order the SuperBird and nobody would care) and very vulnerable to damage and I’m pretty sure these pot hole manipulations aren’t helping its joints and muscles. These annoyances are “fixed” but the outcome isn’t an improvement. Pothole Fillers…is it too much to ask that when you fill a pot hole to maybe take a bit more pride in your work and level it off so that we aren’t trading a pit for a peak? Even if you used a tree branch that another city worker cut down and left on the nearby grassy median...that branch was only going to cause destruction to a car avoiding a Pothole or Potheap anyways.