I wore this shirt the other day and pondered what “the flight of beauty” actually means. The word “flight” makes me think of an airplane, a means to reach your destination. A flight could be a journey or voyage and perhaps the purpose is to find, enhance, and /or constantly work towards beauty, both inner and outer sources. The flight of beauty may be what happens once you find your inner confidence and can truly chase your dreams and become a better person, all while maintaining gorgeous hair and a fabulous wardrobe. Initially that’s what I thought the message of this Express branded t-shirt circa 2008 meant- an encouraging theory of inspiration I was sharing with the world.
I later realized the word “flight” also means an escape, or departure and now the message advertised across my bosom meant something completely opposite- “the escape of beauty”. The shirt might as well say “Look people, I am getting older with each passing minute and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a flat stomach, hide the fact that I need an eye lift, not wanna smack screaming children in Target, and not lose my patience with my mother as I am evolving into her.”
This shirt is ridiculing my age, my appearance, my sometimes negative attitude, and the little patience that remains within me to deal with the masses in a friendly manner.
There is only one way this shirt can be worn in the future to avoid confusion in the message: with a pair of slimming jeans, my Manolo Blahniks, coordinating accessories, lip gloss, a smile, and all of my remaining beauty exposed with my head held high…recent blow-out applied to the hair of course.