Is it any bit ironic that a heart is a representation of Valentine’s Day- the day synonymous with expensive dinners of 42 ounce cholesterol-crammed Sirloin Steaks, assorted chocolate hearts filled with various goo aimed at producing unnatural heart rhythms, and candy hearts recruiting human hearts to be on Team Diabetes?
On the flip-side, research shows a glass of wine could be healthy for your heart if consumed in moderate amounts. A “moderate amount” is considered no more than one drink per day so don’t have two tonight, or your heart is looking at possible failure…especially when combined with that industrial-sized piece of beef.
*Picture above from Jupiter Images. It's a "chocolate heart".
On the flip-side, research shows a glass of wine could be healthy for your heart if consumed in moderate amounts. A “moderate amount” is considered no more than one drink per day so don’t have two tonight, or your heart is looking at possible failure…especially when combined with that industrial-sized piece of beef.
*Picture above from Jupiter Images. It's a "chocolate heart".