Wednesday, February 13, 2008

May All The Worlds Collide

So after successfully starting my blog, I alerted an entire batch of people about my new project.

Slight issue.

This entire batch of people includes, good friends, old friends, friends of friends, family members who get me, family members who don’t, co-workers, ex-coworkers, people I’ve made out with, people I can only speculate I’ve made out with, people I’m trying to impress, people older than me, people younger than me, people smarter than me, women, men, mothers, fathers, drunkards, the slightly psychotic, the missing in action, the genuine, the smart-asses, local celebrities, lovers, fighters, the good, the bad, the evil, jokers, smokers, and midnight tokers.

It’s quite a list and diversity sounds like it would be a good thing….at first.

Yesterday I was in deep thought, in my favorite deep-thinking location- the shower- and realized I could have committed myself to a life of horror and going to movie theaters alone! Some of my blogs won’t be for the weak-hearted- literally. I might have to supply beta-blockers for all the people I am sure to offend at some point along my blogging career.

But I realized that having all my worlds and parallel lives collide into one giant potential disaster is going to happen and it will be real. Being real is a top priority to me. Nobody likes anything that is fake or censored if they can have the real thing and have it be better than the fake. (Picture a set of natural, perky, perfect size 34C breasts- get it?) So here I am, letting the people I’m trying to impress mingle with the drunkards, and letting my parents unite with the slightly psychotic…oh wait, those would be the same people.

It’s what I have to do. Let the lovers mix with the fighters if it means saving myself from becoming best friends with a psychiatrist.